Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ready, Set, GO!

......And were off!.....
Proposal submitted. Timeline drafted. Will i be able to keep with this timeline i have outlined, or will my actual timeline differ from my projected as it normally does.
My investigation into cybercrime prevention and detection begins.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Delivery time

As the time for delivery of my proposal draws near the realization of the time that has passed has dawn on me. As with all past projects and the pursuit of them have taught me time is something that waits on no man. Time is among those things that come not back. Oh i wish i could bottle you and use you to my leisure, but ah last i cannot. Well the final moments are upon us and now i must depart to my isolated place were much work can be done and the delivery time can be met.
Thesis on cybercrime here i come.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Farewell to Pappy

As of yesterday at 10:10pm Mr. Francis Sam departed this plain of existance.
We think that went someone we know and are close too passes on the rotation of the earth will stop and or the gravitational field of the earth may be affected somehow. We push ourselves into the mind set that when this particular person passes on life as we know it will change. But in reality nothing really happens, that is to say nothing that affects the earth like global warming or tectonic movement really happening. mere coincidence may just result in rain but that might be the pinnacle of what is to be expected.
But such is life or as some might describe it "the human condition". Farwell to my grand father a great man in the context of my life.
For those of you expecting a post on cybercrime (cough cough Bobby) i apologise its just that events have play out in such a fashion that cyber crime and issues pertaining to this have taken a back seat. But worry not for they are coming soon to a post near you..:)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

In the begining...

Many problems exist in the world today. Such problems like the horizon problem to name just one. But unfortunately I am not going to attempt to solve that problem but rather a problem that falls more in line with my education path of choice.

My problem falls into the category of cybercrime. A relatively new form of crime compared to such biblical one as murder. To add a further tier of granularity to my problem. The topic is to be put into context of my current location in space and time i.e. Trinidad and Tobago.

Through out the lenght of this blog I intend to make known the issues as it related to cybercrime, within the context of my country (Trinidad and Tobago) and put forward recommendation that I think may best suit the mitigation of these issues.